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A means empoyed to renegotiate debt. By combining loans and outstanding bills, a person can consolidate debt with a single financial institution resulting in a single monthly repayment. :: Brokers Brokers

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Finance Articles

Creating a Bulletproof Budget: Tips for Australians Juggling Debts Creating a Bulletproof Budget: Tips for Australians Juggling Debts
Creating a sturdy financial foundation is essential for Australians navigating the often turbulent waters of debt. A bulletproof budget does more than just track expenses; it acts as a buffer against unexpected financial downturns and provides a clear path toward financial freedom. Comprehending the full weight of this importance is the first step to turning one's financial destiny around. - read more
The Road to Recovery: How to Rebuild Your Credit for Future Loans The Road to Recovery: How to Rebuild Your Credit for Future Loans
In today’s economy, a good credit score is more than just a number—it's a pivotal element of financial health that can open doors to necessary funding when it's most needed. Whether it's for purchasing a new home, investing in a business, or obtaining personal loans, a robust credit score in Australia is your ticket to favorable interest rates and loan terms. - read more
Online Loan Application Essentials: What to Know Before You Click Submit Online Loan Application Essentials: What to Know Before You Click Submit
Welcome to the digital age, where online loans in Australia offer convenience and accessibility like never before. With a few clicks, financing for your next big purchase or consolidation of existing debts is at your fingertips. However, venturing into the world of online lending without a compass can leave you navigating choppy waters. - read more
Finance News

Tax Tension: Australians Grapple with Surging Income Levies as Inflation Undermines Earnings Tax Tension: Australians Grapple with Surging Income Levies as Inflation Undermines Earnings
26 Apr 2024: .Paige Estritori

Amidst soaring living expenses and aggressive interest rate increases to quell inflation, Australians face an additional financial burden as income tax impositions outpace those in other affluent nations. This echelon of fiscal pressure is compounded by the unfortunate fact that their earnings are making a retreat in real value terms. - read more
Avoid Hefty Fines: Key ATO Dates to Remember Avoid Hefty Fines: Key ATO Dates to Remember
23 Apr 2024: .Paige Estritori

Australians are being cautioned about the possibility of incurring a $313 penalty if they fail to observe two critical Australian Taxation Office (ATO) deadlines looming ahead. As tax season approaches, individuals must take note of these important dates to avoid fines. - read more
Inflation Outlook Brightens as Australia Braces for Key CPI Update Inflation Outlook Brightens as Australia Braces for Key CPI Update
22 Apr 2024: .Paige Estritori

A crucial announcement regarding consumer prices is forthcoming as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) anxiously waits to steer its future monetary policy decisions. Analysts and economy watchers alike have their eyes locked onto the publication of first-quarter consumer price index (CPI) data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, set to impact the nation's economic direction. - read more